Saturday, October 31, 2009

how to alleviate cough with nature

There are many recipes from our ancestor face almost all health disruption. From head to toe, from newborn to old. Today I will write about one recipe to alleviate cough. I don't call it as a therapy, but I am sure this recipe will help to alleviate cough safely.
Here is the recipe:
1. one starfuit
3. a half glass of lemon juice
4. two spoons of honey

Ok,let's make . First we need to peel starfruit (remember only the edge). Then wash it. Next step is to cut starfuit. Take it to liquidiser, add with garlic. After all mix well then add lemon juice, finally add honey and still it gently. Pout to glass and ...viola!You ready to drink and sart feel better for yout throat.