Monday, June 11, 2007

Baby massage

Baby massage has a long tradition in some country in the world. Such as India and Indonesia. In India, Just after birth, baby massage is done with a soft wheat-dough ballto cleans baby’s skin. The ball is dipped in a bit of almond oil before rubbing. This continied for the first six days after birth and done before the bath. On the seventh day after birth,baby massage use the dough ball that should dipped in oil.This done every day for 3 weeks. And baby massage using hands start at one month old of infant, when the baby's body has become strong enough. This continued every day for 3 months India have a baby massage guide in Ayurwedic Baby Massage that claim greatly helps the development of body and stabilises biochemistry

In Indonesia, baby massage ussualy done one day after birth. Dukun beranak or Dukun Praji who help in labor will massage baby and bath for about 40 days, beside she will bath the mother and give massage to her for her pleasant and relaxation. Baby massage done with hand and use coconut oil or baby oil. It done slowly and gently, through our baby’s body.From forehead, cheek, chin, chest, stomach, back, legs. Arms and hands. After 40 days, baby massage could do every month once. Or if baby got fever, common cold, usually baby will took to dukun beranak to get massage.